I'm 8 1/2 weeks pregnant with TWINS!
Their (37 week) due date is right around Striker's birthday (December 9th) - talk about a great (30th) birthday present!
We were going to try and not go "public" for another 3 1/2 weeks, but after a congratulations comment on my Facebook wall this morning, I sort of felt it was time. ;)
This ultrasound picture is from almost 2 weeks ago when we saw/heard their heartbeats. We have another ultrasound this week!
I will now provide this disclaimer: I sleep/nap as often as possible right now. Except that I wake up every night sometime between 2:30 and 4:30, so this will probably be a regular time for blogging. The good news is that I have a whole lot more material, now that being pg is public knowledge. :)
If you read this and you work with me, please note that I am NOT going public at work yet, so I'd appreciate your keeping it quiet. Thank you.