Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Another Bowling Alley...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Bowling and Your Census
Today I went bowling with the boys, the big ones (Striker and Mr KFuj) and the little ones (Alex and Tony). Apparently Bowlium in Montclair is an Authorized Census Questionnaire Assistance Center. Um what?!
Dear Federal Government, I want to know how much the 2010 Census is costing us. I will then volunteer my services to cut costs. First, just mail the Census out. No pre-letter, no post-post card. 2nd, the toll-free question phone line is MORE than sufficient. I'll need to have a report of call volume and how many of those calls were related to curious citizens inquiring as to how Octomom should complete her questionnaire. There better not be a bunch of people sitting around in a call center somewhere because there CANNOT be that many people calling at one time. Have you heard of Call Forwarding? I'm just getting warmed up!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
For Lois
Monday, March 22, 2010
Robert M. Groves I'm Still Mad at You
Do Not Feed the Animals
Please note: the ducks do not discriminate between fries from JITB or In-N-Out. Why someone would feed In-N-Out fries to ducks is beyond me!
Bonus parenting tip: do not let your 2 year old hand feed a Canadian goose as tall as the child. The goose nipping said child's fingers to swallow In-N-Out fries WILL traumatize the child.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Park Day!
I busted out our cadillac stroller for the outing and I really do love it! I'll need something lighter and a little quicker to open/close, throw in the back of the Pilot, when the boys out grow their infant carriers and the Snap-n-go, but for longer outings, it rocks!
The MoM that hosted was a super overachiever and served pizza and drinks to the 8 MoMs and roughly 18 kids that were there. Quite the turnout!
Please note that I give photo credit to the picture of me and the boys (such a rarity!) to the lovely MoM in the picture with us. Thank you! I give credit for my "child in front of the belly" pose to Andrea Braun...it really is brilliant!
I no longer have an urge to refer to the boys by the number of weeks. That ended once they hit 3 months. We'll see how long I refer to them in months...I'm anticipating that will end sometime between a year and a year and a half.
Fun day!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Gotta Get That on Video
This morning I said GGToV after Alex woke up in his usual fashion. It goes something like this:
(Me to Striker: "Wait for it...")
Eyes open
WAAAAAAAAA (translation: "I'm STARVING. Why aren't you feeding me?! I'm DYING!!!)
The fidget portion can last several minutes. The amount of time from eyes open to WAAAAAAA is only a few seconds. Without fail, the moment he tastes food, he's silent.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Facebook First Responders
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Diaper Critic
All diapers are definitely not created equal, and I received quite a few comments on my Facebook status when I posted my disdain for Target diapers, so here is my opinion on the various brands of diapers we've used. Given the quantity we've changed in the last 3+ months, I feel qualified to review ;)
Listed in order of preference:
Huggies - Cream of the crop and everything that is right about a diaper...but you pay for it. Appreciate that they use Disney characters on them - love Mickey!
Kirkland - a close second to Huggies, and what we will be buying when we start purchasing them soon...sigh.
Pampers - this is what we used in the hospital, they're cheaper than Huggies, and what we received the most of. They put Sesame Street characters on them. Only downside is that they don't have the same coating on the outside that Huggies and Kirkland have so when full, you can feel moisture on the outside- not a fan of moisture.
Luvs - really thin, put Blues Clues on them, would not buy! Only use these during the day
Target - same as Luvs, but instead of Blues Clues they put blue and green polka dots ALL over them. Have an odd tissue paper quality about the edges and sides
Earth's Best-we used these very early on and we're not fans, though I don't remember exactly why.
WalMart-not a terrible diaper, buy it's thin and has really weird long stretchy tabs...and they're from Walmart, which means you'd have to go there
Huggies- perfect pop up dispensing, nice thick wipe, and they have a chemical/fragrance free variety
Kirkland- the only suitable alternative to Huggies and WAY cheaper this month with a coupon! Come wrapped in 100 wipe travel packs. Also chemical free.
Pampers- the THINNEST wipe on the planet! Otherwise, they're fine.
WalMart- they do NOT pop up. Deal breaker. I have 700 that we'll never use. Free to anyone that wants them, but I won't even regift them.
Is it odd that Striker has even stronger opinions on this subject? I didn't want to waste the substandard products, but he was quick to want to toss them immediately.
Sorry if you're reading this and purchased an "offender". I had no clue which I'd prefer and appreciated having the opportunity to try them all out!
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Whoa Baby!
Grandma quit the gym. She'd rather play with and help take care of her Lil Dudes every afternoon. My arms have NEVER been so toned!
Let's play another round of guess the baby. Which one is which?
Meet Chilly Willy
My 2 sickies and I all slept better with him in the room. Available at Target...on sale now for $30. They also have a frog that mists thru the top of its eyes (odd!) and an elephant which was cute, except that its ears were flat against the side of its head.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Robert M. Groves I Dislike You
This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
Happy Birthday to ME! (2010)
When your birthday is on Wednesday, you get to celebrate for a week!
To recap this year:
-Best Gift EVER was spending the entire day with my 2 handsome little men!
-Ann Taylor LOFT gift card from Striker's parents
-Ate lunch at Red Robin with the old crew from work (and Alex and Tony)...Target gift card and Glen Ivy Gift Certificate and SUPER yummy cupcakes
-Ate dinner with my mom and the boys at Chili's (Striker was at bowling trying to win enough money to pay for league next year...I support his absence for this reason)
-Video Camera from Striker (which is really "our" gift since he used gift cards from his birthday towards the purchase)
-Birthday $$$ from Art and Helga
-Birthday posts from KFuj and Queen B
-BELATED birthday card from Queen B (snicker)
-Super awesome sweatshirt from my Sistor
-Salad "spinner" from Shades (this is a whole separate post)
-Gift card to JC Penney from my aunt and uncle
-Gift card to Bed Bath & Beyond and a salad spinner (which I specifically requested) from my mom
-Yummy family birthday dinner and Mint n Chip Ice Cream Cake
-Oodles of birthday wishes on Facebook and via text/BBM
Thank you everyone for a super great birthday!!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Happy 3 Month Birthday!

Tony LOVES watching hockey on TV. It's the cutest thing to watch him enjoying a Kings game with his daddy. He also got into a little trash talking, with a certain Canadian Great Aunt of his, over the Olympic Hockey Games ;) He also enjoys walking up and down the upstairs hallway with his grandma and sitting on the "seat" she makes for him with her arm so that he is facing outward. His favorite pictures on the wall are the ones of Mommy and Daddy when we got engaged. I'm holding onto my belief that he's going to be the very independent child that never stops running around and playing until he just passes out mid-action. Just wait for the pictures of him asleep on his toys. He's pretty much quit his pacifier on his own already...this may change when he starts teething in a few months.

I love being Alex and Tony's Mom!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Dear Costco...
Twin pack of 23oz jars of Salsa con Queso for $6.39
Thursday, March 4, 2010
For Once in My Life
There's a picture of Will as an infant that's a dead ringer for Tony. I'll scan it eventually, but it's downstairs on the fridge (where we show everyone when they come over).
The more I looked at the chunkster (Alex) the more I kept thinking that he reminded me of a few of my baby pictures from around 3 months, so I asked my mom to snag one for me...the result? Here, you decide. (Thankfully both Alex and Tony got Daddy's blue eyes and not my boring brown ones).