Friday, October 31, 2008
For Jane
All I can say is...Why?! Jane, will this be added to your vacation plans for next year?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Oxygen Man
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Giggy!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Word Verification
A Flat Tire and A Roller Skate

That's right, a massive leak in my tire and everything was already closed for the night, so I knew that it would look like this by morning (yep, it did):

I have a slight panic attack and BBM KFuj because she's usually pretty creative and knows the area we live in better than I. Her FABULOUS solution? Loaning me her "roller skate" (as she affectionately refers to her Focus), so that I can get to work Friday morning and deal with the flat on Saturday. (Special Thank you to Brent - her renter - who postponed trading in his second car, so that all of us would have a mode of transportation today.) How awesome are they?!

So glad that I am mobile (and mobiley), I stop for my morning Starbucks and am BBMing my gratitude to KFuj for filling up her roller skate with a full tank before bringing it over to me, when she notices that I am the car behind her in the drive thru. (It's a Small World after all...)

Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Greatest Bowling Match EVER! Part 2
A small crowd gathered around to watch Vince bowl and when after 4 strikes in a row, he got an 8 count, one of the gentleman said, "He missed. That's a surprise!" I was not heartbroken.
Game 1: Striker - 215 Vince Wood - 267
Game 2: Striker - 246 (thanks to a ball change) Vince Wood - 246
Side note: Vince Wood is a smoker.
I wonder if Vince Wood ever Googles himself and if my blog would come up? I wonder what happens if I Google Vince Wood? I think we all should try it ; )
Game 3: Striker - 224 Vince Wood - 236
During the third game Striker and Will bonded over their Moreno Valley connection. Vince now lives in Palm Springs. Then Vince brought in the big guns. No not some fancy equipment, food. And not just any food, Striker's choice of bowling cuisine, Chicken Fingers and Fries.
Game 4: Striker - 226 Vince Wood - 201
By now it is WAY past my bedtime and after 11:00 PM. I can barely keep my eyes open despite partaking in a little Dr. Pepper. The good news is that I will get to sleep in the car on the way home. The even better news is that I have captured some GREAT blog material which had better generate some great comments! If not, at least I can cross "Witness a Striker vs. Vince Wood Showdown" off my To Do List.
Pictures coming soon!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Greatest Bowling Match EVER! Part 1
(This is a mobiley post, so I apologize that it will lack all of the links to previous posts regarding this match up. Formatting will be sketchy at best.)
So while the boys warm up, allow me to give you the standings going in to this week:
Vince's team is in 4th place after 4 weeks.
Striker's team is in 7th.
Vince's average is 236. Striker's is 220. Striker has bowled a 300 game already. Vince has not. After the first frame, they each have a strike. Come back tomorrow for Part 2!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
A Poll for Mr. Pearl's Friend
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Poor Trees!
And then this morning on my way to costco and wal mart I saw probably 20 trees that met their demise on the first winds of the season. :(
Ways to Anger a Drive-Thru Customer...

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Proud New Owners of...