Wednesday, September 30, 2009
HOA Annual Meeting
Checks from Chase
Monday, September 28, 2009
Even the Mouse is Doing It!
The only thing better will be if they have various characters "guest blog". Goofy can represent the horticulture department, Mickey can cover Disneyland, Minnie can cover Walt Disney World, etc. For some reason, I think I might find that more interesting, but the social media people probably don't want to give up their glory. They can hire me to moderate the comments...I promise, I'll behave :)
I stole this link from Toe Jam's Facebook...and couldn't help but sigh loudly. Obama wants to lengthen school hours, have schools stay open later during the week and also be open on weekends (by the way, who's paying for this?). Because disadvantaged kids "suffer" during the summer, he wants to shorten or eliminate summer vacation.'s called parenting people!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Warning: Sharp Objects
Just like the Queen needs to stay away from knives, I need to stay away from pill cutters. For the second time this year, I have sliced a finger on the pill cutter.
Since Oskar weighs all of 12.2 lbs, he needs to take half of the pills the vet gave us on Wednesday night. Thursday morning I pulled out the pill cutter and washed it off since I'd last used it for my adult meds and in the process sliced my thumb.
The best part? The pills were already cut by the vet. No pill cutter required. Sigh.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
26 Weeks
A kicks me all night and B kicks me all day. B sticks his feet up in my ribs and stretches several times a day. Luckily I can still push him back down, but I don't think that's going to last much longer. The belly button no longer goes back best, it's flat, but at least part is always sticking out.
My sister finally felt B move on Sunday and pulled her hand away like my stomach was on fire. ;) None of the grandparents have felt either move yet. They boys don't like to cooperate, but at least they let Daddy feel them every once in awhile.
I got 3 freaking bug bites sitting on the patio with Oskar today for less than 10 minutes. (He's doing much better today and is back to moving faster than me. YAY!) Why do mosquitoes like me so much?!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Poor Oskar!
On Sunday or Monday he hurt himself chasing the cat after he swatted at him while Oskar was sleeping on the couch. Why they repeatedly do this is beyond me, but I swear it happens almost daily. It seemed to be different that the usual injury because he could walk on it, but avoided all bouncing or jumping/hopping. I gave it an extra day to see if he'd get any better today and planned to take him to the vet tomorrow morning if there wasn't any improvement.
When I got home from the dentist around 6:30 tonight, Oskar wasn't on the couch, on the rug, in the kitchen, or in the garage (all of his usual places). I panicked, because there weren't many other places he could be. I found him on the fireplace shaking and once I picked him up, he yelped and started whining. Not good. I wrapped him in "his" snuggie and cuddled him to see if he'd calm down. When that didn't work, I decided that we needed to go to the animal hospital immediately.
Since Oskar requires that I hold him in the car, and there was NO WAY I was going to be able to hold him and drive with the belly, I enlisted the chauffeur services of Mr. KFuj since Striker was off bowling strikes about 30-45 minutes away. The irony in this is that Mr. KFuj is the one person that Oskar cannot stand. For some unknown reason, the second that Mr. KFuj is in sight, Oskar barks his head off and refuses to let him near him. We made some progress after Mr. KFuj fed him a few treats last time, but still not enough to consider them buddies.
Tonight, we got into Mr. KFuj's car and Oskar didn't bark once...also not a good sign. We arrived at the animal hospital and found it to be empty...YAY! We were taken back right away, Oskar weighed in at a whopping 12.2 lbs and then I started signing papers approving the rapidly growing total.
Emergency Exam $65
2 x-rays $200
2 Injections $101
2 medications to take home $47.50
Hazardous Waste Disposal $4
Total Bill: $417.50
Thankfully all bones and discs were intact. The vet said it appeared to be muscle spasms (perhaps Oskar wants to be like Daddy?) and shot him up with a muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory. By the time we got home he was able to walk normally with a little spring in his step. He's now passed out on the couch. I have to continue the muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory pills 3 times a day and keep him on "bed rest" (maybe he wants to be like Mommy?)for the next 7-10 days. The hardest part will be preventing him from jumping off the couch and the bed...especially for me since he's sorta low to the ground and it's getting hard to bend over and pick him up/put him down. If he doesn't cooperate, he'll be banned to the floor in the bedroom, which I'm certain will NOT go saw his preferred sleeping position!
This picture was taken as proof of how drugged Oskar was....he allowed Scott to hold him (twice! This was a reenactment of the first time at the animal hospital.)
Whoa Belly!
We're about 8 weeks apart and when I saw this picture of the two of us, I immediately thought about this one...I'm 25 1/2 weeks. Clothes and boobs greatly affect the appearance of belly size...though I think I'm pretty close to triplet belly. I would like to point out that both boys are measuring about a week ahead of schedule...I bet the triplets were small ;)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
BlackBerry Beats Kindle
Go to on your BlackBerry and click the ebook link. It's very self expanatory and took me only a few minutes to figure out once I downloaded the application to my Pearl. The download came with 4 free ebooks: Dracula, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice and Merriam-Websters Pocket Dictionary. Once you download the application and set up your profile on your BlackBerry, I'd recommend browsing the available ebooks on your computer since it's just easier. There are many free titles available (mostly some older classics and some random stuff), over 3,000 in the under $5 category, and then bestsellers and new releases.
I'm sold since my Pearl is the one source of entertainment that doesn't disturb the hubby in the middle of the night when I'm wide awake and goes with me everywhere! The only downside is that the screen on the Pearl is a little small, but you can adjust the font size. However, if I were to spend $200, I could get the Tour which would provide me with a bigger screen AND a better camera (eliminating the need for me to get a separate small mom type camera). If I can just convince myself to part with Mr. Pearl and switch from AT&T to Verizon, there will be a Tour in my future...
Happy Birthday Rachel!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009
Soon to be Super Star - Alex Shegetz
You can listen to all of her original songs and covers on You Tube, just search for xxxMCRiloveGERARDxx or click here. There happen to be 22 videos posted right now :)
Find her music page on Facebook here and become a fan!
And does it help to know that she has been known to wear a dirndl and polka in her free time? How could you not love her? ;) She's pictured with her cousin in this picture who is a fan of lederhosen...Striker is not :)

***So the "relation" to Striker is sort of complicated, but in a nutshell, Striker's grandmother was BFF with Alex's great-grandmother back in Europe before they immigrated over. Both ended up living in Lake Elsinore and Striker's mom called Alex's great grandmother, Aunt Lisi.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Male Bonding
Contents of the Pilot upon departure:
- 4 men (please note that 2 are above average size)
- 1 huge tent that probably sleeps 12 regular sized people (they wanted to be sure that they'd all be able to comfortably sleep together for proper bonding-yes, they actually gave me this reason when I suggested they take our 2 smaller and much lighter tents)
- 4 sleeping bags
- 2 queen size air mattresses
- 4 chairs
- 2 ice chests
- 4 backpacks
- 2 boxes of food and supplies
- 4 pillows
- 1 wakeboard
- 1 grocery bag full of adult beverage supplies
- 1 bag of beach towels
- 1 case of water
- 1 camping stove
- 1 First Aid kit (yes, the wife snuck that into the car) :)
- 1 large and 1 small container for hookah supplies

Friday, September 18, 2009
For Jane
These are all various sleeping positions that C chose for today:

Thursday, September 17, 2009
25 Weeks
Thanks to the double heads on the bladder, it now holds less. Can't wait to see what this does to the number of trips I make to the bathroom each night.
I'm adding another pillow to the fort tonight to see if I sleep any better. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Maternity Open House
First off, it was way nicer than I thought it'd be...there were snacks, beverages, AND raffle prizes! The grand prize was a breast pump (which of course EVERYONE wanted) but I did not win it. I did however win a red Moby wrap...YAY!!! When they called your number (everyone got something) they asked if you were having a boy or girl...I of course answered "boys" which earned me instant celebrity status - and the envy of all the girl dads ;) - and the upgraded prize since I definitely need a Moby wrap! Those whose numbers were drawn after mine may have been a bit bitter with their picture frames and onesies, but HEY, it's not like they gave me the breast pump! And in my defense there was another Moby wrap given out.

When leaving the parking garage, I was told by the security guard that I needed to pay at the parking pay station located back at the front of the, NOT convenient and they really should prevent you from leaving the hospital without notifying you that once you waddle over to the parking lot or structure that you'll be trapped unless you've paid first. I waddle back over to the pay station with several of the dads following me like ducklings (Striker was bowling strikes tonight and really didn't miss anything that won't be covered in the MANY other classes we are going to...this was basically orientation), and find a sign indicating that the machine was only taking cash (in denominations of $1, $5, or $10). Good thing I had cash on me! I stood there feeding all of my ones, fives, and tens into the machine, but it wouldn't accept any. I gave up and the dad behind me luck. He was about to take off towards the gift shop and main lobby when I said "Wait up! Follow me! I'm going back to the structure and pulling the pregnant card and handing the security guard my ticket and $2 and begging him to let me leave." Seeing the wisdom in my approach, we headed back to the structure together. He headed for his car (and his pregnant wife) and I immediately went to the guard booth. I stuck out the belly (though it does that on its own these days) and pleaded my case. The result? Free parking for us all :) As I headed back to my car I told all of the dads I passed to just say they were with me so they'd get free parking too :) Oh yes, I'm officially known as Twin Mom and have acheived celebrity status among the 15 other couples or so...or they hate me...either way, I love being pregnant with twins! :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Farmer Jenn
Fast forward 3 1/2 weeks and I am now a Farmville Farmer (It's on Facebook, and you know you want to play too!). It is addicting and allows me to continue managing something besides the furries and the house. The Queen has graciously given me a pass since I'm on house arrest and really am the perfect candidate for spending excessive amounts of time building and managing my virtual farm.
Of course I am OBSESSED with growing, harvesting, and collecting as many status items (coins, cash, experience points) as possible. I even confessed to being selective in choosing my neighbors, because I wanted only the best farms surrounding mine.
I'm still holding firm in my refusal to consider a minivan despite my insurance agent telling me that he'd be waiting for my call to add a minivan to our policy upon my announcement that the twins were on the way. (Just change my miles driven to Maternity Leave and remove that rather large number next to Work Commute to save us some money please!) I have a Pilot which I still insist is just as functional as a minivan, but NOT a minivan. This reminds me that KT and I still need to have our Odyssey vs. Pilot challenge. Perhaps we'll wait until we have 4 children between us and plan a trip to Disneyland together?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
"Did That Come With the House?"
Craig's List
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Anyone from Michigan?
Friday, September 11, 2009
24 Week Belly

Thursday, September 10, 2009
24 Week Ultrasound
They are positioned so that their legs and feet are closest together (picture the number 7 - B is the top, A is the side), so there really is kickboxing going on in the belly!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Arsenal
The final count: July 4th - 19 bug bites; Labor Day weekend - 1 bug bite! I'm declaring that a success! And yes there were mosquitoes present, just not in the protective cloud of the Off fan. Highly recommend it, though it works best if you're just sitting in one spot.
BTW, why did everyone feel compelled to tell me that the top 3 things to attract mosquitoes are: sweat, pregnant women, and perfume? I was already paranoid after the 4th of July!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Let's just say that it has serious transmission issues where it'd slip from 1st to Neutral instead of 1st to 2nd while accelerating. Sort of a problem when taking off from a red light.
Striker was quite pleased to get back into my Pilot. :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Reasons I LOVE Steak n Shake
2) Tasty burgers
3) Cheese fries that involve nacho cheese
4) Hi C Fruit Punch
5) Grilled Chicken Salad with awesome ranch dressing and super small diced tomatoes
6) Open until 3 AM
7) Friendly staff and speedy service
8) Many mid-west locations, which mean it's a Labor Day Weekend tradition
9) Dine in or drive thru
10) Good portion sizes....not too much, not too little
In otherwords, it's PG Jenn HEAVEN!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Got Pillows?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
23 Weeks
Have I mentioned that I love being pregnant? Aside from all it's taken to get me to this point, I'm actually enjoying having the boys on board and being trapped at home. I reserve the right to retract this statement in 12-14 weeks though ;)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Fake Thanksgiving
I declared today Fake Thanksgiving Tuesday in September. I invited my mom and sister over to partake in the tastiness. It was super easy to make (Stove Top stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, canned corn and cranberry, and just a turkey breast with instant gravy).

My Plate Before:

My Plate After:

Yes, I really did eat all of that! After I'd stuck Henry 4.5 into the oven, I realized that I hadn't planned anything for dessert. (I should mention that since this Henry was only a turkey breast, I didn't feel he should be Henry V.)
For my impromptu dessert, I channeled my inner Andrea Braun and made chocolate chip cookies with ingredients that I actually had in my kitchen...who am I?!