The wonderful Ellen Helen came to visit me this evening (aka came to babysit me) while the hubby went to bowl a tournament. USC won earlier today so she was in an extra good mood. She brought the extra "touchdown" cookies for me to eat too!
We watched the Indians lose miserably to the Red Sox (sad!) and did some MySpace research. Since the game was so pathetic, we spent at least 2 hours on our MySpace research. It was VERY entertaining and enlightening.
After the game, and after we ran out of people to research on MySpace, EHW was hungry. I'd polished off about half of the cookies, so I wasn't. She wanted Del Taco so off we went. Technically that was a violation of my rules of recovery, but it was only a short drive of about 3 miles or so. EHW drove her rental car (Nissan Sentra).
EHW drove like a 16 year old taking her driving test so as to not cause my head to fall off. Literally drove 5 mph UNDER the speed limit, hands at 10 & 2, looked all ways before turning or proceeding through an intersection, avoided speeding cars, and stayed in the right lane as much as possible. She drove so cautiously, that a car with an electric wheelchair strapped to the back PASSED us. Fun times!!!
In case you're wondering EHW ordered: bean & cheese burrito with green sauce, 2 soft tacos, and nachos. She ran out of cheese, so she didn't finish the chips, but overall, ate like a fat kid as she likes to say.
Other fun things E.H.W. said tonight:
"They have 10 points already.......................Wait I mean runs."
"LIMH = laughing in my head, you didn't really LOL. "
"What's E-bone-ite?" (She read this on the hubby's shirt when he got home from bowling - shirt reads Ebonite).