I have still managed to avoid the stroller push/cart pull
http://multiplesandmore.blogspot.com/2010/05/picking-up-prescriptionmultiples-style.html, but am really starting to see the efficiency in doing so. Of course, that would also surely cause a spectacle. Alex is almost a good enough sitter that I'm considering trying plopping him in the seat in the cart and wearing Tony in my Moby Wrap. I think I'll try that for my next excursion.
In case you're wondering, I hung the pool on my thumbs while pushing the cart traditionally. Before checking out, all of the items in the bag were tossed underneath the boys. Tony fell asleep about halfway through our trip.
ph you are brave, but isn't it fabulous when you accomplish such feats :) Super Mom
The boys are so good in their car seats it would be hard not to go shopping every day. Costco will be easy once Tony can sit up, they both can be in the basket. More places should have double seats for twins.
Do they make a double seat cart cover?
They do have a double cart cover. I wish Target would get on the double cart seat bandwagon.
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