Since last month, we:
-had play dates with Alexa and Sadie
-took lots of naps, especially with Daddy
-watched playoff hockey...sadly the Canucks beat the Kings
-watched less TV and read more books
-graduated to 9 month clothes (and some 12 month pants for Alex's thighs)
-continued working on rolling over (Tony) - close but no cigar...now he rolls both ways instead of just to the left
-continued sticking everything into our mouths...particularly our left (Tony) and right (Alex) hands
-took lots of walks with BOB, and used every single stroller we have
-introduced "lovies" - Ellie the Elephant and Jerry the Giraffe
-celebrated Pickle's, Lil Dahl's, and Kyle's birthdays/birth day
-found the fun in shredding paper napkins (Alex)
-increased our production of drool...seriously, out of control!
-became bigger fans of both the Exersaucer and Jumper
-survived surgery (Tony)
-officially became Bumbo sitters
-went on our first vacation/road trip to Lake Tahoe/Reno with Grandma, Oma and Opa
-became really good at sitting and standing with little assistance (Alex)...and decided that if Alex could do it, he could too (Tony)
-laugh, a lot. It makes everyone happy.
-learned a new activity - picking our legs up in the crib and then dropping them to make a noise (Alex). Striker loves when Alex does this at 2 AM.
-got really good at snuggling with Mommy. The best part of this month!
This is definitely my favorite age so far...they do stuff, but still stay where I put them ;)
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