Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
MLB Mickey - Nationals
We went to lunch with Striker at Victoria Gardens and enjoyed $1 Tuesday at Hot Dog on a Stick.
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Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
New Assignment
Braves and Twins, check and check.
Locations can be found here.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
We Have Teeth!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
Thank you for being the best daddy in the whole world! You take such good care of us and help Mommy lots. You play with us and sing and dance when no one else is watching. You teach us about stuff like sports, water, and how things work. We have lots of fun and love you lots! Happy first father's day!!!
Love, Alex and Tony
Saturday, June 19, 2010
From the WTF Files...
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Fresh Meat
As I waited, 2 ladies pulled up next to us and were laughing, making weird faces and pointing towards the building. I looked over and saw what is captured in the second picture: sides of beef being unloaded from the truck and hung on huge hooks.
Peas and Carrots
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It's A Small World
The boys were completely mesmerized by the ride. Alex loved the stuff moving overhead. Tony didn't want to miss a thing and looked like an owl, practically turning his head a complete 360 degrees.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hip Grandma
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Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
We Love Summer!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
22 Items & Another Tote
9 foam soaps (Love em!)
1 shampoo
1 conditioner
2 foam travel hand sanitizers
1 travel size lotion of a new scent coming in July
2 travel size lotions
1 lip gloss
4 scentportables (one was already in the car)
1 reusable tote that I was paid $4 to take
Grand Total: $60
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Notice to Residents
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Just Tony
I Love Chino
And before you jump all over me, we were stopped at a light when I took this picture AND Striker was driving. It was Striker who noticed the TWD as we drove passed. At least he drives a Pilot!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Happy 6 Month Birthday!!!
This month we:
-celebrated my first Mother's Day
-started falling asleep on our own (Tony)
-started interacting with each other and "talking" to each other
-were out and about on many "solo" outings (Well Baby Visit, Costco, Target)
-moved into our own rooms and own cribs
-started looking so much alike that strangers can't believe we aren't identical
-went to Vegas to watch Striker bowl his 2nd highest series ever
-started going to the Farmers Market weekly
-built Kolbowland and really had fun in the Exersaucer and Jumper
-went to Disneyland for the first time
-went to the park with our other multiples friends
-graduated to 12 Month sized clothes and size 4 diapers (Alex)
-rolled from back to belly (just a couple times)
-watched the 24 finale (yes, they barely fit into their Bauer/Almeda onesies)
-finally started growing hair (Alex more so than Tony, but Tony is starting to sprout)
-went to Lake Elsinore for the first time and played in our kiddie pool
-went swimming with Kyle and the KFujs
-STARED at Mommy when she totally fixated on the food
-built our red wagon
-started solids a week early and ate: sweet potatoes, apples, carrots, bananas, pears and peas(Mommy is SUCH a rule breaker)
-watched hockey playoffs and NBA finals (much to Mommy's dismay...WHY basketball Alex, why?!)
-took WAY more pictures of Mommy with her boys (both self portraits and with the aid of other mommies)
-celebrated with a 1/2 cake

Alex always seems to be taking in everything. He'll just sit quietly and watch everything going on around him. He's getting really good with his hands and has started to explore our faces with them. He is so close to sitting on his own in the baby tripod. He started making what I'm calling the monkey noise a few days ago. He's almost 22 pounds! He's recently decided that he doesn't need to nap nearly as much as Tony and just stays awake and skips a nap or two each day. I guess he's afraid he'll miss something.

Tony is always laughing and smiling. He's gone to sleep, for both naps and bedtime, so much easier since his surgery. He scoots around on his back, using his legs to wiggle him where he wants to go. This is also the case when he's sitting anywhere...he absolutely needs to be strapped in or he will wiggle his way out of his seat. He's quite the talker and just mastered the monkey noise today. If he sees his brother do something, he wants to do it too...there's going to be a bit of competition between these two! Tony is almost 20 pounds!

Both boys have been saying "mama", unfortunately, it's usually when they are crying because they are hungry or tired. But since Mama is the one that feeds them and puts them to sleep the majority of the time, I say this counts!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Bread Basket Identification
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sleeping Men
Great Marketing
Later on at Costco, the hubby and I grabbed bottles of Arrowhead from a machine because it felt like it was 4,000 degrees (might have been the extreme weight we were pushing around Costco) and I saw "Smaller cap. Less plastic." Or something to that effect, indicating that they were being environmentally friendly.
This got me many companies are marketing cost saving measures as environmentally friendly? I mean, the whole concept of bottled water is an environmental nightmare. But less plastic is not only less waste, but also less money. Genius marketing move!
Kirkland Diapers
Alex has had several leaks this week, which is the indicator that his current diaper size is too small for his tush. Sigh. I've been in denial because the size range on the size 3 box is 16-28lbs, and he's "only" closing in on 22 lbs. When I saw that the size 4 range was 22-37lbs today, it all made more sense!
Next question: What's with the huge overlap in sizes 4-6?
Only in Chino
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Stupid in 6 Languages
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