Had my last OB appointment with my second doctor today and will be meeting the third (and final...I hope) when I go back in 3 weeks. Passed the glucose test! So very happy. My significant eating over Thanksgiving weekend, and 5 pound weight gain in 3 weeks, was not mentioned by either my doctor or I. Ignorance is bliss! I am however once again, slightly anemic. So as if my low blood pressure wasn't enough to cause Striker to hate me, now I'm encouraged to eat more red meat. This also might explain why I've been more tired. I'm going to start taking an iron supplement again...yay.fun. My doctor did talk to me about kick counts...which I just laughed at. 10 kicks in a 2 hour period? Are you kidding me? She does that in under 5 minutes. She has pretty regular active times, and always from 9-10 PM. Should that change, I will be more concerned with actually keeping track of such activities.
And here is pregnancy #1, week 29: