Friday, October 2, 2009

27 Weeks (plus 1 day)

I intentionally posted this week's belly picture a day late as a result of today being the 2 year anniversary of my Chiari decompression surgery. It was definitely one of the most life changing moments for me and will always hold a top 3 spot (along with meeting the hubby and having the boys).

My belly is a topic of conversation wherever I go (granted that's not many places), and I am continually amazed by how many people are, have, or know twins. My dentist is a twin and he has twin boys. My insurance guy has twins. The list goes on and on...I am also amused when people tell me how small I am for result of my sitting around doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and drinking water. If I were working, I'm certain that I'd be a lot bigger due to a less healthy diet, less water drank, and more water retained. I still only get cankles temporarily if I sit with my feet down for too long, but they go away pretty quickly after I put them up and drink extra water.

Feeling a little brave, I decided to pay homage to KT and her 27 Week Belly, and also humor GI Jane with these...though now I think it's only fair that Jane posts her Demi Moore pictures ;)

Wow, my belly is really white! Though I'm rather happy that it's white and not streaked with red stretch marks or the weird brown line. For this picture my belly button even stayed in...which is surprising, because it's usually out a little. There really isn't much left since it's been stretched so far. My scars from my appendectomy no longer match up...the circle used to be centered under the horizontal incision line, but now it's completely off to one side, not under the line at all (you can't see it in the picture, but I find that amusing).
I am almost done being able to wear my wedding rings...I have trouble getting them off and think I'll be wearing the ring that's normally on my right hand for the duration...don't want my finger to fall off! ;)


KFuj said...

WOW those boys are getting big!

Jane said...

You did it!!!!!!!

I just may surprise you :)

Can believe how much they are growing!

Queen B said...

Still can't believe about the 2 year anniversary. Totally amazing that at the 2 year mark, you're a month-ish away from having twins!

Wowsers! Nice job on the belly pics :) that's a hot oven for your buns!

Kim Thomas said...

I will tell you that your belly looks absolutely fantastic. PERFECT. Mine had lumps and I am sure it will again.