Wednesday, October 21, 2009

These People Are Reproducing?!

Questions asked/statements made by others at our Childbirth Class tonight:
1) Mom: How is the epidural administered?
2) Dad: Oh, you deliver in the LDR too?
3) Mom: I found out I was pg 2 weeks after my period.
4) Several moms: I don't know how many weeks I am or what my blood type is.
5) Dad: You go to the hospital when she's dilated to 3 cm. RN: how do you know? Dad: With a ruler?
6) Mom: (can't use direct quote, but kept referring to doctor artificially rupturing membranes as "induction of labor") Her husband is in the medical field (came wearing scrubs) and she asked several questions that should be on this list.
7) There were 12 couples in the class and at least half who were all due before mid December (aka 32 weeks+) had not yet discussed whether or not they'd be receiving pain medication, and if so, what type. No clue on whether they wanted anyone else in the delivery room, or even visitors.
8) It was also fun to watch the looks of shock and horror when some of the moms found out for the first time that their babies would be in the room with them until discharge unless they asked for them to be placed in the nursery from 11 PM - 6 AM.

And my favorite (said within earshot of me by many pg women):
"She's (referring to me) really small for having twins."

If this continues to be a trend, I may be pushed to reply "maybe your just big for 1?" I blame the boobs for this illusion though so I typically just reply with a smile and a thank you and then if they continue with some story about some other twin mom they know, add that the boys are bigger than the norm for 1. Love my overachievers!


Ruth Anne said...

If you only knew, working WIS for so long has left me jaded that all new parents are retarded. (But I am sure you will do fine. ;)

KFuj said...

Where did they think they delivered?
These questions are too funny. We even have talked about most of these. Also my blood type is A+ (I'm a great student)

Jenn Ann said...

I would like to offer the disclaimer that Striker teased me by saying that not all moms to be had as much time on their hands as me and hadn't watched months of Birth Day and other TLC shows. While this is true, even he found the items on this list amusing.

Queen B said...

haha. I'm with Striker... was going to say that a lot of those women probably got knocked up without even trying, so didn't get quite as well informed as you are ;) They probably spent the first 32 weeks trying to figure out how this was all going to work out long term and not so much about the actual delivery.

But I'm A+. I'm pretty sure you have to learn that in 3rd grade ;)

Jenn Ann said...

Ooh, now I must A+ the official blood type of the HCBC?

Ruth Anne said...

Given our cultural background, most of us are probably A+.

In the house.

Bianka said...

I never knew what to say when women tried to "flatter" me with the comment "you're so tiny!" Hello? I'm PREGNANT. Like women are supposed to strive to look thin during this time? Sigh.

I am O+. Karin is A+.

Kim Thomas said...

Love number 8: While most will disagree I say send em to the nursery and get some sleep :)