Thursday, October 29, 2009

31 Weeks

No, I am not smuggling a basketball under my shirt. ;)

Oskar has been super weird and annoying the last few days. Instead of snuggling and sticking to our routine, he's been super whiney and not wanting anything to do with me, but wanting my constant attention at the same time. Whenever someone else is around he wants to love them and ignores me. We have 2 theories: 1) he's somehow gotten the hint that life as he knows it is about to be over and there are going to be 2 new mama's boys in the house or 2) the cats (fraternal twins) have started to snuggle with me on the couch and no longer ignore me on a regular basis. It's rather odd, but has been going on for several days now. Regardless, Oskar pretty much demanded being in the picture with's his plea to his grandparents to not forget that he was their first grandchild and to please remember to give him lots of treats. He's a good boy (even if he is driving mommy crazy!)

Something the Queen will appreciate: Striker said tonight "everytime I see something that says Evenflo, I think of Pearl Jam....thanks to Guitar Hero." You know that commercial where the dad is the 4th triplet? I'm going to have a 3rd twin! ;)

Progress is being made and I just might reach my goal of being (mostly) ready for the boys arrival by November 1st. I'm extending that deadline by a week so that I don't completely wear Striker out. The poor guy is a trooper-he came home tonight to a rather long honey do list and has an even longer one for the weekend. We should have their room and necessary equipment ready to go and in the proper locations no later than November 8th so that we can just sit around and wait for their arrival without scrambling at the last minute. And so that I can maximize my napping before the sleep deprivation begins. :)

There are times when I feel like my belly is going to rip open because the boys stretch in opposite directions simultaneously. The belly regularly takes on new and random shapes, which unfortunately do not photograph well. Striker rather enjoys the freak show each night when he lotions the belly. I also earned major sympathy points when he felt the gymnastics going on against my ribs last night at our class. He's going to be such a great dad and is already taking great care of us!

I am extremely grateful to our families for helping us prep the house last Sunday and doing all of the things that I just can't do so easily anymore. Striker has resumed dishwasher loading/unloading activity, and food has become much less fancy this week. I'm stocking the freezer with frozen food because I'm exhausted from growing 2 humans and don't have energy for much else.

BTW, I've noticed that holding Oskar makes the belly look even bigger...and look! There's a butt!!! LOVE those sweat pants!


Kim Thomas said...

I can't imagine the stretching in opposite directions. Sydney was bad enough and Mia is hasn't gotten to that point yet.

Paula said...

I was thinking the puppy made the baby bump look smaller! You are doing awesome on getting everything ready....I sincerely hope "nesting" doesn't make you want to rearrange everything after you/Striker get it done.

ps....Kim, I like the name Mia!

Queen B said...

I can't imagine how exhausting growing 2 humans can be... But probably pales in comparison to raising 2 humans ;)

Look at that butt!

I totally understand Striker. They play "Welcome to the Jungle" all the time at football games, and hearing it ALWAYS makes me want to pick up my guitar ;) I'm like Pavlov's dog!

Whew... Happy to know you're on schedule with the readiness initiative!

Love oskar! Hope his grandparents take his plea into consideration ;)

KFuj said...

I loved that Oskar is in this picture, he's cute!

Two boys going the opposite directions would be awful!

Jane said...

Is the shirt shrinking or is the belly bigger??

Jane said...

PS What were there names?

Kim Thomas said...

BTW: I am so laughing at these two pics right now. I love the "headless Jenn" in your weekly shots.

Ruth Anne said...

Really just is a ball, huh?