Sunday, October 18, 2009

Garage Organization

Or yet another reason my cat is lacking a few brain cells...

Commentary by Felix...

"Ooh, look! I bet I can see out the window if I can just get up on that shelf!"

"How do I get up there? Why are you taking pictures of me Mom?"

"This might work..."

"Why is it so lumpy and what are all these obstacles? Maybe if I just keep going, they'll go away". (It's a foosball table under a sheet, and yes, he walked all the way across in the wrong direction, before heading back to jump up on the shelf).

"SUCCESS! Why'd I get up here again? How do I get back down?"


Queen B said...

RO! Love the commentary... you've definitely locked up with the furries for too long ;)

Paula said...

funny furry commentary!

KFuj said...

Fe Fe is so cute! I'm sure he was saying exactly what you wrote, too.

Jane said...

OMG you are so dang funny

Kim Thomas said...

You rearrange your garage just about as often ad I rearrange our back closet.