Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Birthday Highlights

The big party is Saturday, so we kept things pretty low key on their actual birthday. We started our day like we usually do - watching Sesame Street in my bed after Striker leaves for work. Then we went downstairs and the boys made sure the Christmas tree was still there...or maybe they're checking for presents from Santa...hmmm...

We went to Chili's with Striker for lunch, where the boys shared their very first kids meal of grilled chicken and rice. We ran a few errands then Auntie Lil Dahl came over (injured after a fall down the stairs, she couldn't even pick up the birthday boys).

They played with a few new toys from. grandma, then we had pasta for dinner.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Wow! The year sure went by fast, didn't it!? Cutie patooties!