Sunday, April 12, 2009

Peer Pressure

Reason # 1230 that the Queen needs to watch 24. And yes I realize that I am most definitely obsessed, but room 322? It's a sign! Sadly, this also marks the end of my ability to watch episodes in rapid succession. We must now watch in real time and wait a week in between episodes. The good news is that it's on tomorrow night!


Paula said...

I never used to notice any specific number until I became friends with all I see the # 22 everywhere.

Queen B said...

just when I've managed to get 2 blogs in back-to-back days, you're suggesting more uses for my "free" time? :)

Kim Thomas said...

24 rocks!!!!!! So happy you are all caught up.

Jane said...

did you watch? did you watch?

It made viewing before Heroes this week