It's a busy week for #3 and I. Yesterday was our regular OB appointment, where I've seriously got to be her most boring patient..not to mention I could just test my own urine, weigh myself, and take my own blood pressure - 107/67 if you'd like to hate me like Striker does. If she wanted to hand me the doppler, I could do that too since I can now feel this kid moving pretty regularly, and ended up directing her on where to find the little turkey that kept rolling out of the way. I like being boring though :)
Tomorrow is THE ultrasound! I really don't care either way, just want to know so I can get everything ready and plan accordingly. Pictures and an update will be posted tomorrow night hopefully...I have a busy day tomorrow!
Friday is the 2nd trimester blood draw. Also odd that this is only the 3rd time I'm having blood drawn while pregnant. I rather like being normal. :)
I'm a little disappointed that I get tired so much to do on my mile long to do list and yet I can only accomplish a tiny little bit at a time. Sigh. I saw a friend that I've known since elementary school yesterday who is due with her second daughter in December and she is MUCH smaller than I am. She barely looks like she might be pregnant. Of course her daughter is already 2 1/2 and she weighed as much as Alex when she was born. I'm giving myself an allowance. :)
For your comparison, Pregnancy #1, week 18
We still having name guessing convention? I expect a message when you find out sex!
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