Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30 Days of Thankful 2012: Day 6

I am thankful to live in this country where we have the freedoms that we do. I wish that everyone could be more accepting of our differences. In general my philosophy is "what works for me, might not work for you, and vice versa. As long as I'm not hurting you or infringing on your right to live how you wish (so long as it's not harming anyone...no you may not be a cannibal), and vice versa, we can agree to disagree."

I am so thankful that today is election day and that no matter what the outcome of any office or proposition, all of the junk mail and phone calls will stop, and hopefully soon (because I believe that in such a tight race there will be some controversy - hello hanging chads) the awful attacks on facebook will stop as well.