Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 Days of Thankful 2012: Day 7

Last night a group of twin mom friends joined me for candlelight yoga, and for the second time in the last few weeks someone said "I thought yoga was mostly just stretching". Bwahaha!

Trying yoga was one of the best things I ever did after I had the boys. It gave me alone time, quiet, strength, flexibility, and relaxation. I love that the place I go to offers a variety of classes including Pilates and even belly dancing which I had tried before kids and liked.

Last night was the first time that I felt I was back to where I'd left off in my practice before having Jill. I'm looking forward to kicking things up a notch and taking more hot yoga and yogalates classes.

1 comment:

Sara said...

heehee. I laugh like a maniac every Wednesday as I proclaim to Randall, "it's yoga day! time for some relaxation and light stretching...." because it's such a total ass kicking. Love it!