Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jeopardy Blog Version

When I was pregnant I wanted a shirt made with the following: December. Twin boys. Yes, twins. Neither, we did IVF. Yes, but we're keeping that a surprise for when they're born. That was to answer the questions: When are you due? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? Wow, twins?! What side of the family are twins on? Do you have names picked out?

Last night was the annual dinner/dance for the Dance Group (pictures and recap to come in a separate post). I ended up as greeter/door prize raffle ticket taker/table finder. Striker sat with me for awhile, as did...let's call her Dance Group Mom -DG Mom for short (NOT Lady)...but I pretty much saw everyone as they came in and was asked the same series of questions. I'll give you my answers, you tell me the questions. ;)
They're good.
2 1/2 months.
My mom and aunt.
Yep, 2 babies, 2 sitters.
About 5-6 hours. They're really good babies.

I think I only heard "for twins" 5 times or less...not bad for 310 people. ;)


LoSpace said...

I'm surprised none of the answers was "fraternal" tho...

KFuj said...

How are the twins?
How old are they now?
Who is watching them?
You need to people to watch them?
How long do they sleep at night?
You only heard you look good for having twins 5 times of less? Thats a record for the amount of people you saw!!

Jenn Ann said...

Good job Lois!! I can't believe I forgot one!!!

The low "for twins" count may have been due to the fact that a large number of the people there were facebook friends or blog followers...they might have been aware of my love of that phrase and avoided it...thank you! ;)

Bianka said...

I may get this one right, since I had a very similar onslaught of questions!

"Hiii!! Oh my gosh how are the babies???"

"How old are they now??"

"WHERE ARE THEY?" (You didn't provide an answer for this one. I was asked it at least 5 times. John's answer? "Oh they're sleeping in the car.")

"Who's watching them tonight?"

"Oh you have TWO people watching them?"

"Are they sleeping through the night?" (One of my least favorite questions.)

You did look fabulous, Jenn. Better than you ever have since I've known you. Your face just glows, your figure is beautiful. Welcome to motherhood. :)