Thursday, August 13, 2009

20 Week Bananas, Belly, Boys, and a Bonus Fashion Tip

Why Bananas? Because there are 2 left in my kitchen and I refuse to eat them because the boys are banana sized this week. Twin bananas...I mean really, how could I eat them? :)

Today was their 20 week ultrasound...I am sticking to a 4 week schedule for at least the next two. Four weeks between ultrasounds seems so long, but it means we're lookin' good!

Baby A was well behaved for his photo shoot and gave us a nice profile shot...isn't his nose cute? :)

Baby B is our little trouble maker. He was always the hardest to get pictures of in our early ultrasounds, then he was the guy with the hematoma, and now he's back to being stubborn for pictures. He refused to turn over so we could get a profile shot despite our attempts at technically this is a shot of his face, but you really can't make out a whole lot. (If it helps, the top of his head is to the right.)

As you know, I've been Julie Chen's maternity fashion police. I received the following picture from Queen B tonight (because Julie Chen's fashion faux paus doesn't count as a spoiler):

What you can't see in Julie's picture is that the bottom of her skirt is a bubble skirt giving the dress the appearance of a circus tent. From the belly up, I'd almost consider this an acceptable outfit, despite the Queen's dismay that it appears Julie's chest is in the same place as my rear end. I don't think she has much of a chest anyway, so I'm letting that part slide.

As soon as I saw Julie's outfit, I was inspired to wear this outfit for my 20 week belly shot. I mean really, how could I not?


Queen B said...

poor twin nanners

LOVE the outfit match-up ;) + your no-butt and her no-boobs

Paula said...

I totally knew that was his face just from the pic! Lookin' good...and much better fashion than Julie Chen!

Kim Thomas said...

Belly shot is great this week

Julie Chen has no boobs at all

and the whole not eating the bannana thing is a bit weird.

Kim Thomas said...

P.S. I guess I shouldn't eat limes this week, and next week shrimp is apparently out. (I stand by my early statements that limes are bigger than medium shrimp)

Jane said...

I am having a banana aversion. I wouldnt eat them at all.

Poor Julie. an intervention is required for sure!

Love the tummy!!!