Sunday, January 25, 2009

On the Road Again....

As most of you are aware, I love a good car nap! Because of this, and the fact that he doesn't mind driving, Striker drives 99.9% of the time that we are together. (The 0.1% is when he gets to drink and I drive.)

Don't tell Striker, but I actually like driving on open highways. If you tell him, it will mean that I might have to forfeit my nap on our upcoming trip to Vegas :(

Yesterday, I drove up to Palmdale for Kellie's baby shower and was cruising along enjoying my good road trip music (which also doubles as my gym music) when I got stuck behind this guy. Needless to say, I was no longer cruising. And yes, I photo'd while driving!


KFuj said...

I am with you Jenn. Mr. KFuj and I are the same way, except when we are with you and Striker drives :-)

I'm a car napper too. I even nap between Jenn's house and ours. 5 mins on a good day 7 mins when you hit the red lights.
Vegas is a great drive with month traffic.

Bianka said...

I wonder if taking pictures while driving will be the next illegal thing..

Queen B said...

hate driving . (period)

As far as I can tell, photoing while driving is perfectly legal

Bianka said...

Ooh! You should have driven with me to Florida when I moved there if you like highway driving so much! I tell ya, Oklahoma and northern Texas have lots of desolate highways.

Kim Thomas said...

I can't nap in the car, I do 99.99% of the driving too.