Monday, March 22, 2010

Do Not Feed the Animals

While at the park with the boys on Saturday the ducks may or may not have been fed french fries from Jack in the Box...

Please note: the ducks do not discriminate between fries from JITB or In-N-Out. Why someone would feed In-N-Out fries to ducks is beyond me!

Bonus parenting tip: do not let your 2 year old hand feed a Canadian goose as tall as the child. The goose nipping said child's fingers to swallow In-N-Out fries WILL traumatize the child.


Lil Fuj-Troudy said...

Good advice! I once decided (I was pretty young) to hand feed a duck some bread and my finger ended up in its mouth...didn't hurt as much as it scared the crap out of me!!! I still do not like ducks...

Paula said...

oh, bless the little ones' heart!!! Geese can be quite mean.

Queen B said...

my dogs love fries....

KFuj said...

I'm with Lil Fuj not a fan of feeding ducks! Ed likes fries too!!

LoSpace said...

I feed the ducks my wilting lettuce. Are ducks vegan? If In-N-Out fries get cold, they aren't so good anymore, so I can see them becoming duckworthy. Geese ARE scary!

Kim Thomas said...
