Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Facebook First Responders

So an earthquake occurs at 4:04 AM. I wake up and am mid-leap to grab the boys when it stops. Both Oskar and Striker are still sleeping...I start to wonder if I'd imagined it. I turn on the news stations and grab my phone. Within seconds Facebook statuses start popping up...I'm not crazy! Then the news reports that it's a 4.4 in Whittier which is roughly 20 miles away. Striker rolls over and goes back to sleep...I spend the next 45 minutes commenting on Facebook and laughing at the yahoos calling into the news stations and their standard line of earthquake tips. BTW, I will always call my mom after an earthquake...even if I'm not supposed to jam the phone lines. ;) I did have the revelation that though he once would have been the first thing I'd grab in an earthquake, Oskar must now fend for himself. Poor guy!


Paula said...

wow! Glad all is okay with y'all! I really should turn on the news every once in a while. This is the first I've heard of it.

KFuj said...

I slept right thru it.. Mr. KFuj felt it only because his alarm went off at 4am so he hadn't fallen back asleep at 4:04.