Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Is there any hope for me? 1/22

Session 3 with LAT is complete...but more on that in a minute...

There's this girl at work, Rachel, whom I absolutely love and adore. She sucks at reading my blogs, but we are both absolutely ADDICTED to her sister Kim's blogs. (Not really Rach's fault...the email police at work blocked MySpace, but Kim uses blogspot). It's become quite an obsession for many in the land...check it out and enjoy: http://kim1champ.blogspot.com/

Anyhow, Kim is EXTREMELY dedicated to her blogs which is why they are so good...there's often photos for each topic. A recent topic was on the amount of paper towel that was dispensed with one wave in front of the automatic paper towel dispensers commonly found in public restrooms. I found myself in the bathroom at Cerritos Lanes last Thursday after bowling staring at the automatic paper towel dispenser. I waved and I got significantly more paper towel dispensed than Kim did in her photo. I stood there staring, hands dripping...what to do? I looked around the restroom to ensure it was empty and whipped out my camera phone and snapped a photo, which I promptly text messaged to Rach. Hence, the follow up blog Kim wrote yesterday which included my photo...I feel famous!

Anyhow, I digress. After 4.5 people called in sick today (one person worked half a day) I needed to escape the office for lunch. Enter good lunch buddy Rach who needed to go buy new soccer cleats. I know nothing about soccer, much less soccer cleats, but it got me out of the office. After successfully getting cleats (she wouldn't get the gold ones...I can't imagine why) we decided on Chik-fil-A. I order the grilled chicken sandwich on a wheat bun with a fruit cup instead of fries. What is on the tray the put in front of me? grilled chicken sandwich and fries. Clearly the Chik-fil-A people hate me. I'm good, I tell the girl at the register (who isn't the person that brought the tray) that I ordered the fruit cup. She calls over her shoulder that we needed a fruit cup and not fries. She generously offers to let me have both fries and fruit cup since they are just going to throw the fries away. I say ok, I was going to steal one of Rach's anyway, so I decided to let skinny little Rach eat all of her fries :) In one of my more proud moments, I eat the fruit cup, then the sandwich, and then exactly 4 fries. Of course I chose the 4 largest fries, but I ate only 4 fries, so that counts right?

I go to the gym with LAT. I tell him that under no circumstances will I do a repeat of last week since I couldn't walk for 2 days. He thinks I'm kidding, he quickly realizes I'm serious when I refuse to do squats. Thankfully we compromise and I think he begins to understand what seems most natural to my body - dance moves, not anything to "sporty". I stop myself before anything gets to the point of excruciating...I learned my lesson last week...LAT will let me kill myself if I don't stop first.

I leave the gym feeling proud that I stuck with it even though I wanted to murder LAT last week. I even plan to go back on Wednesday as scheduled. To be continued...

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