Biscuits in tupperware and various shopping bags and articles of clothing
DVD, No Rinse Shampoo (difficult to test it if it never leaves your trunk EHW!), can of pineapple, Bible, Nordstrom bag
Numerous pairs of shoes, EASY buttons, various bags, DVD player(?)
Soccer balls and flat iron
geez you forgot to mention the sixteen candles dvd... your "friends" have very messy trunks full of random materials. what about yours? wheres the pic of your trunk, well back of suv?
I thoroughly enjoy your blog. It is extremely entertaining. As for junk in the trunk, perhaps I'll send you a picture of all the crap in mine, as well as an inventory.
The back of my SUV contains a car seat (yet I have no children of my own), books that Rachel is letting me borrow, and a first aid kit. Other than that it's pretty clean. The hubby cleans all of the crap out of my car each night when he puts it in the garage for me. (I know, Rach, I know, what do I do?) He loves me, and I love him!
If anyone else would like to volunteer a photo of the junk in their trunk, email it to me and I will post it!
My trunk is empty, except for the spare pair of motorcycle boots in case of emergencies.
See my blog http://annnelson.blogspot.com/2007/08/charred-foot-anyone.html for details.
Oh lord, you don't want to see whats in mine...actually, this is a great topic, maybe I'll do a copy cat.
I will refrain from documenting what is in my car. I'm really afraid to even know!
Saturday I took 3 trips to the garbage can and 2 trips inside. (Btw car not even 2 weeks old).
No pineapple juice though.
Yes this is a good one. It really is amazing what you accumulate in your car.
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