When arriving at the hospital last Tuesday VERY early, I was leading my entourage to the front door where I had entered several times the prior day. It was not until this approach that I noticed the lettering on the window next to the automatic doors.
I was scheduled to arrive at 5:30 AM, but because my mom is always at least 15 minutes early everywhere she goes, we were arriving at approximately 5:10-5:15 AM.
When the door didn't budge with my approach, I groaned, turned around to get the camera from the hubby and then took this picture. As I inched closer to the sign to maximize the size of the text for easy viewing on my blog, the doors slid open.
Heres to you for taking the picture, having the surgery and making it back to CA!!! We love you!
haha! I like that story. And I am happy you are back! eeee!
Funny! Glad you're back!
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