Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Delta via Express Jet - Part 2

Reasons I actually LIKED this experience:
1) 19 rows of 3 people = half as many people on the plane
2) Due to #1, less noise
3) Due to #1, less time to get drinks and snacks
4) Due to #1, fewer annoying passengers that appear to have never flown before
5) I got to SLC - that's Salt Lake City ;) - in less than 2 hours without having to stop anywhere, leaving from Ontario
6) Because it's a small plane the engines are at the very back so it seemed more smooth and quiet
7) There wasn't anyone sitting on either side of fact, I had both the aisle and window seat at the same time
8) There were several empty seats allowing those that needed more room to take it
9) They offered tasty snacks besides just peanuts (nothing fancy, but not just peanuts)

Reasons I didn't like this experience:
1) You have to walk down to the tarmac and then up the stairs onto the plane
2) Due to #1, the gate is at the end of the terminal
3) Due to #2, you have to do A LOT of walking while lugging your laptop and Anatomy book (to study on the plane) - note to self...get a roller bag for laptop and wear flats
4) If the weather were crappy, #1-3 would have been exponentially worse

Overall, I liked it and I'd fly Express Jet second to Southwest.


Queen B said...

These jets were the source of a huge fight for the husband and I once. He hates flying, and I didn't realize that part of our trip would be on one. He prefers the window seat, and I prefer for him to not complain, so he sat by the window. As he looked out and saw the propellors on the wings, he says, "You didn't tell me we were flying on a propellor plane." These things do not even register to me, but he didn't talk to me for the whole weekend.

Bianka said...

I like Delta. They offer Sun Chips, Biscoff cookies, Quaker chewie granola bars, peanuts, etc. etc. :) Yes, I fly Delta each time to and fro.

Kim Thomas said...

I am not a fan of the little planes. I have actually only taken a little plane once. The only positive I saw is that I was able to check my bag "plane side"

Jinjer said...

I am not a fan of flying at all or little planes for that matter. One time when we were in Hawaii, we took a plane to another island and I about lost it because it was so small. It was uncalled for and I was simply not ok with it. So I give you a ton of credit for being able to handle it and actually like it!!