Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Conquering Access

I consider myself fairly adept at figuring out pretty much all computer programs. I never read instructions and avoid training sessions at all costs. Generally, I find all Microsoft Office programs user-friendly, as they all use similar commands, etc.

And then there is Access...

I pretty much NEVER use Access and might have only been exposed to it one semester in college in conjunction with Excel. Outside of that, I don't know anyone except accountants that use it on a regular basis. And clearly, I am not an accountant - though it helps that I married one :)

Some genius at my work decided to create one form (that we use on a daily basis) in Access that involves importing an Excel file. While I can mail merge and import data with the best of them, I continually struggle with this file in Access. The good news is that our Admin typically does this for us, so I never have to do it. Unless she's out sick...and it's my month to cover for her...which is April...and she's been out sick the last 2 days.

By some miracle yesterday I was able to get the stupid forms to print, although I had no idea how. Today I faced the daunting task again. After fighting with it for a good 15-20 minutes, I conquered the task!!! I should even be able to repeat the process tomorrow! :)


Queen B said...

You rock, girl! Show that Access who's boss!

Jinjer said...

See, you handled it. You rule!

Kim Thomas said...

At my work we support over 29,000 PC's and 40,000 users. We have over 800 people that work in IT and everytime someone has a problem with Access we have no idea who to go. Access Sucks!

Ann said...

Good for you! I also have issues with Access and have to call someone every time, but not from Kim's department! LOL! :)