Monday, January 29, 2007

I had a case of the Mondays...

Ok, so here's how today went:
I wake up, it's 6:20 AM. Two problems: 1) my alarm clock did NOT wake me, 2) I'm supposed to leave my house no later than 6:15 AM to get to work by 8:00 (yes I live in the middle of nowhere). Faced with the decision to shower or not, I rationalize that I'm going to be late regardless, so I might as well take the extra 10 minutes and shower (and pack my gym clothes).

At lunch I head to CSUF with the intentions of changing my name and address (aka updating my records since I graduated 4 years ago (holy crap!). I arrive at CSUF and find that all of the visitor parking spots have been eliminated due to the construction of the SECOND parking structure. I pull up to the drive-up visitors booth and ask where there is visitors parking. The girl tells me that there isn't any and I'll need to park in the parking structure that is on the opposite side of the campus from where I need to go. As a law abiding citizen who fears the CSUF police, I circle for 10 minutes because it's virtually impossible to make a legal u-turn within a 5 mile radius of the campus. I look at the clock and realize that with the 10 minute walk to and from the building I need to visit (in heels mind you), this will surely take another 30 minutes at a minimum and I just can't take an extended lunch today since I was already late and need to leave on time to meet LAT2. Defeated, I head back to the office vowing to try again tomorrow.

At 5:00 I begin to panic as I realize that I still have 40 emails in my Inbox and I need to leave soon. I leave and contemplate skipping my training session as I really don't want to deal with a butt kicking. I decide to suck it up and go, as Jenn 2007 does not flake on working out. I get to the gym and realize that I don't have a towel or water bottle (the result of not having the alarm clock go off). Again, I contemplate just jumping on the elliptical for 20 minutes and heading home. Again, I suck it up and go find LAT2.

LAT2 totally rocked my world. He's big on core training and that makes this former dancer very happy. He made me do stuff that was challenging, yet didn't bore me to tears or seem unnatural. Bonus was that he had me do stuff on the big balls, which I've secretly been dying to "play" with - I'm a dork, this I know. I even asked for his card so that I could call him when I get in a rut and want to pay for more sessions. (I'm committed, remember?)

I leave the gym feeling very proud of myself and decide that I've "earned" a vanilla cone from McD's (which actually isn't bad for you!). Of course the 2 rather large people are in the drive-thru and I still can't find a stealth way of getting a photo. I will work on it and if anyone has any ideas please let me know.


Unknown said...

jenn...i am really so proud of you. you listed at least three reasons where if it were me, i would've ditched the gym. and funny you mention CSUF. i got an email today asking the alumni to update our info. why did you have to drive there? ask me about the campus next time. i have a really good friend that still works there.

Anonymous said...

You are so good. I'm very proud or you dedication and motivation.

Anonymous said...

I meant to write, You are so good. I am very proud of your dedication and motivation.