Friday, February 20, 2009

Conference Call "Fun"

Things I did while trapped on a 2 hour conference call today:
Ate a banana, took this photo, BBM'd with another hostage, wrote this blog, cleared my Inbox, wrapped a gift, performed other mindless tasks, BBM'd the hubby, and laughed at my Facebook supporters. Now at the 50 minute mark, I contributed insight and shared a best practice (Bingo Margot) that started a productive conversation after the presenters talking at us for the first 50 minutes. Only 70 minutes to go!


Bianka said...

Ugh.. does your job make you hate talking on the phone as much as mine does? I spend my whole shift with my earpiece in my ear and am DONE when I go home!

KFuj said...

I am so happy that I deal with parents on the phone for very little of my day.I can always call in between classes so I have only 4 mins to talk.

Queen B said...

sigh...been there. way to multi-task!

Kim Thomas said...

Lightweight! I still hold the record of the longest conference call.

Andrea said...

I'm impressed regarding wrapping presents while on a conference call.

Kim - So, what is your record? How long was your conference call?

Jane said...

What about sit ups?