Saturday, February 7, 2009


If you recall, I am the girl that took Auto Shop in high school. (I'll link to that post later, I am mobiley).

Today, due to issues at CVS, Striker was unable to take my Pilot to get the oil changed before the place closed. Since we are driving to Vegas in the morning, it was imperiative that the oil be changed today. That meant I needed to take it.

Prior to bring married, I always took my car and was very competent at doing so. Today when I took my car, I had difficulty answering this question: What year is your car? 2006? No, 2007? Frantically BBM Striker. He confirms it was a 2007.

When did I become that girl?
This proves that not only am I spoiled, but that my Pilot has been problem free since I've had it!

I knew I could use new windshield wipers but didn't feel confident I'd get the right ones ;)


Bianka said...

R.I.P. Demonic Lexus.

Queen B said... are that girl...aka me :)

you still owe a link