Friday, February 6, 2009

The Story from the Other Day

On Saturday, I mentioned that Lil Dahl and I were late, but that the story was for another day. Here's the story...sorry there are no pictures.

Saturday, 1/31/09
Approximately 10:00 AM
I get a call from Mom confirming that she will be meeting me at 1:30 at my house to go watch Striker bowl.

Saturday, 1/31/09
Approximately 10:30 AM
(BTW, this day/time format is heavily influenced by my new love of 24).
I get a call from Lil Dahl telling me that Auntie is taking Mom to the ER. (BTW, not a good way to start the conversation when your mother has mild heart issues).

LD: Auntie's taking Mom to the ER.
JA: What?! Why?! What happened?!
LD: She cut her finger.
JA: What??
LD: She cut her finger and started spewing blood. (This is a problem because my mom has been known to pass out from seeing her own blood).
JA: How? (Like the Queen, Queenie (my mom) does not cut or generally wield sharp knives).
LD: With a tape measure. She's upset that there's blood on the carpet. (She finally got new beige carpet put in a few weeks ago and replaced the 20 year old navy blue carpet, so it's not entirely irrational).
JA: Wait, hold on. Why is she waiting for Auntie to drive to your house and pick her up when you are there with her? If she's spewing blood, should you be taking her immediately and picking Auntie up on the way or having her meet you there? Which hospital is she going to?
LD: I don't know. It's mom. She wants Auntie to take her.
JA: How big is the cut?
LD: I don't know, she has it wrapped up.
JA: Is there a chance she's going to bleed to death?
LD: No.
JA: I guess not, if she hasn't passed out and is worried about the blood on the carpet.

Saturday, 1/31/09
Approximately 11:15 AM
LD: Mom wants to know how to get blood out of the carpet.
JA: (racking brain, knowing there is some home remedy) Not sure...Folex should probably work. That stuff takes everything out.
LD: Where do I get that?
JA: Bed Bath & Beyond, Wal-Mart maybe.

Auntie: How do you get blood out of carpet?
JA: Lil Dahl just asked me that...not sure. How's Mom?
A: They are putting 2 stitches in.
JA: 2?! I thought her finger was chopped off or something.
A: Nevermind, I asked a nurse. Peroxide gets blood out.
JA: That's it! I knew there was something!

Saturday, 1/31/09
Approximately 11:30AM

LD: I got all of the blood out of the carpet! I'm a rockstar!
JA: Woo Hoo!
LD: You know mom's not going to come watch Striker bowl now right?
JA: She's not?
LD: No, and I have to take my car to the dealer.
JA: Sigh...I'll wait for you.

And that is why we were approximately 1 hour late to watch Striker bowl. The Striker vs. Vince Wood match up is coming soon...with photos!


Queen B said...

oh my!

and that wrong?

Andrea said...

For small amounts of blood, according to old quilt lore, your own saliva will get your blood out of a quilt top if you prick your finger while quilting.

Unknown said...

Queen B,

Not wrong at all. What my sister fails to mention is that I was laughing right in my Mom's face as she was running around. I wish I had a video camera!

Kim Thomas said...

Only 1 hour late with an ER trip and everything?