Friday, February 27, 2009

How Much TV Do You Watch?

Of course Striker and I stopped at Starbucks on the way to Vegas this morning. I had The Way I See It #51, which says that Americans spend an average of 29 hours a week watching television. Four hours a day watching TV?!

Striker explained that they count commercial time and pointed out that the average sporting event is 2 and a half to 3 hours. This makes it seem more reasonable, but I am still way under average! I probably watch about 15 hours of shows with commercials per week. Thanks to the magic of Tivo it ends up being about 10 hours on average. Of course this does not include my recent marathons of 24!


Andrea said...

Sadly, I bring that average up, more than likely. I tend to turn the television on when I get home from work and it stays on all day, so that is usually 3 hours a night times five nights is 15 hours with a couple of more hours on Friday because I stay up late so we'll say 17 hours. Then Saturday and Sunday, I've been known to turn it on when I get up and it'll stay on all day until I go to bed, so that could run a good 12 hours + a day which is 24 hours plus the 17 hours that takes us to 41 hours...heck I should get a job and get paid to watch television fo that amount of time.

Queen B said...

I'm probably right about average. In my defense, an hour of it/day is when I'm working out and need distraction. I'm probably more a 3 hour/day person, but it might be more on the weekends. I guess I could figure out what is scheduled on Tivo and just add it all up.

Mondays... 1-2 hours scheduled
Tuesdays... 5 hours scheduled
Wednesdays... 2 hours scheduled
Thursdays... 3 hours scheduled
Friday... .5 hours scheduled
Saturday... nothing
Sunday... 1 hour scheduled

Add on 5 hours of working out time, and that is 19.5. So, under average. But, that's not counting Dancing With the Stars or Big Brother, both of which will be time suckers.

Jane said...

I use Tivo much I couldnt even tell you when the shows come one (I did discover that Tuesday is a busy night because I cant tivo American Idol, Nip/Tuck and Trust Me all at the same time)

Kim Thomas said...

I am about average.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

hmmm....hours of tv i must watch = below average. hours of tv i watch due to boredom = about average.

and i don't remember posting that "hi". must've been when you were showing me the google reader? ;)