Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Business Idea

My sister (lildahl) and I were conversing today:

LD: We should start our own business.

JA: Come up with a concept and I'm game!

LD: Right, because I'm the smart one...

JA: You're also the left handed creative individual. Think about what we're all good at and come up with something!

LD: What we are good at:
1. drinking alcohol
2. unnecessary purchasing at rite aid
3. loving oskar
4. feeding our fat marsh (translation: fat stomachs - marsh refers to marshmallow)
5. you=blogging; me=commenting
6. making fun of people that shouldn't wear certain clothes
the end.

If you can come up with a business that involves all of those, we'll let you be a partner!


Bianka said...

Gossip columnist!

Ann said...

Secret shoppers!!

Queen B said...

I think you might be Britney Spears! Just without the money part. You need to work on a paparazzi following.

*Pop Stars*

Paula said...

LOL--Britney Spears! QB is too funny! Wanna sell Longaberger?

Kim Thomas said...

I'm with an....Secret Shoppers rock....actually I could be a gossip columnist too

Jinjer said...

I am with the group on a gossip colomunist and I will add in animal activist because of the Oskar lovin'.

Captain Will said...

Comedy team? Take your blogging/commenting live and on the road! Hey, even better, I'll go on the PBA tour and you can get gigs in the cities I bowl in!!