Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Open open OPEN

Starbucks at LAX does not open until 5. That really stinks when it is 4:45 AM and your flight is not until 6. Total time from bed to gate - 50 minutes! Thanks Bill and Eva! Literally got the third parking spot by the elevator on the third floor of the 30 dollar a day lot - thank you corporate AMEX - and walked right up to security. Granted it is far too early to be awake, but this was easier than Ontario!


KFuj said...

Where are you off to this fine morning? I need coffee too!

Jinjer said...

I haven't had a Staurbucks since last Tuesday because of being sick. I may just venture on out today and get one. How in the WORLD does SB in LAX not open until 5am? I think that is bad business to be honest! And yes, where are you traveling off to?

Captain Will said...

Jenn is in that exciting, full of life city known as Albuquerque, NM.

Kim Thomas said...

Starbucks at LAX should be opened no later than 4am.

Albuquerque, huh? Been there twice, ate at the same restaurant (10 years apart) by accident. Closed the bar with Jane there last year.

Queen B said...

I was at the 24 hour starbucks this morning :)

KFuj said...

24 hours starbucks, where??

Jane said...

open open open

Queen B said...

KFuj - I think the info on it will be in my blog today :)

JA - does Albuquerque not have internet??? Where are you???