Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Did That Come With the House?"

This morning I made french toast, and shortly after I started, Striker came stumbling into the kitchen. He stared at the griddle that fits into the middle of the stove top and asked if it came with the house and where it was before its new location. Answer: yes, for more than 2 years it's lived in the drawer underneath the oven with the other items that came with the stove/oven. I think this is the second time that I've used it. I made him reenact the moment for this picture :)


Kim Thomas said...

I dont have one of those but I like didnt come with our house.

Andrea said...

Very well done on the reenactment... he truly looks befuddled....

Queen B said...

need one of those

LOVE the reenactment. He is definitely staring at it like aliens have just delivered it.

Unknown said...

the fact that will reenacted the moment for your photo should be reason #7259486135 why you love him. :)