Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HOA Annual Meeting

Clearly I have time on my hands. Tonight I attended our HOA's Annual Meeting...and walked the neighborhood knocking on doors to collect enough ballots to establish a quorum and allow Striker's replacement to be elected. I joined forces with another pregnant neighbor who is due a week before me and managed to collect enough ballots. Apparently it's hard to ignore the pregnant lady knocking on your door...or when she's stalked you in your garage before you had a chance to close the door after driving in upon your return home from work. Not that I did that or anything...especially not multiple times...nor did I stand on the corner that is the entrance to our community and flag down/follow cars on their way home. Luckily it's a small community and we divided and conquered...either way, I'm exhausted...and I doubt I walked even a half mile. House arrest has ruined my endurance. BTW, lying to your fellow neighbor about whether or not you turned in your ballot, whether or not you're the homeowner, etc does not go unnoticed, nor will it be forgotten. I hope the pigeons poop on your house!


Paula said...

your fibbing neighbors: that's even sadder than the un-assembled checks box.

hope you got to enjoy just being out of the house some. House arrest sucked for the 4-5 weeks I endured...I cant imagine going thru it as long as you are! :-)

Queen B said...

RO! Especially hard to ignore two pg ladies stalking the neighborhood!

this is a great use of free time :) I'm totally loving it.

Kim Thomas said...

I wouldn't ignore you :)