Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Let The Eviction Begin!

Tonight we are enjoying dinner cooked by Mr KFuj (at least I'm assuming so since it involves raw chicken), watching Kings vs Ducks (let's go Kings), and dessert of Double Stuf Oreos and Dr Pepper.

My to do list, with the exception of packing my hospital bag and removing the stupid Verizon message from my mobiley posts - no it's not under Email Settings, is complete.


Paula said...

Yay for completed to-do lists! Double-Yay for your eviction method! Hope it works doubly well!

Queen B said...

yay! I'm ready to virtually meet the boys... tomorrow :)

KFuj said...

Too bad the eviction process didn't work...maybe if the Kings lost it would have worked!

Now what's your plan??

Jane said...

I have observed more oreos here than I have in the last 20 years :)