Thursday, August 16, 2007

BBB #17

Yes, I took notes during the episode...

AMBER ALERT! On the blog that the hubby reads religiously, an Amber Alert is when Amber starts crying. If you don't watch the show, but read my blog, you are aware that this happens frequently. Tonight's episode did not disappoint.

Julie (the host) asked started to ask Amber about her young daughter (she's a single mom if you don't know) and before Julie even finished the question, Amber was in tears.

A few minutes later they cut to one of Amber's Diary Room sessions where she says that Dick is moody, LMAO! Granted, it's true, but that's the pot calling the kettle black.

Dustin's face when his eviction was announced...PRICELESS! And how great were Amber's insta-tears? She was so in shock though that I don't think she could sob :)

After Dustin walked out the house was completely silent... that was really weird!

Understatement of the day - Dustin said, "Amber is a very emotional person" - really?!

Does anyone else think that Amber has a thing for Dustin (the only gay guy that was left in the house)?

Tip to all houseguests - on Thursdays when you will be competing in the Head Of Household competition, do NOT were strapless tops/dresses. If you win and you have boobs, you will cause CBS to hold their breath and prepare for Nipplegate II.

How scary was it that the final two in the HOH competition were Danielle and AMBER?! How happy am I that Danielle is HOH again?! YAY!!!!


Queen B said...

Great notes :) LOL on Amber Alert. WHY would Julie ask her about her daughter? Did she think that the viewers were not grasping that Amber had a sensitive side?!

OK, am I crazy...? I know Dustin and Joe had a thang, but didn't Dustin talk about taking his girlfriend on the trip he sold out for? Did he just mean girl friend?

LOL on nipplegate... you'd think they would learn.

Ruth Anne said...

YouTube goes crazy with all the crying bits. She is freakin crazy.

Captain Will said...

I found this on a BB message board:

Funny quote from Dick, talking to Dani, Eric and Zach in the HoH. They were discussing how Dick sat on the block next to both Joe and Dustin in different weeks.

1:35am BBT

Dick: Both the gonorrhea boys went up against me for nomination, and both went home. You can just call me penicillin.

Dick may say some crappy things to people, but you can't deny that the guy is hilarious.

Captain Will said...

One more thing...

Dustin Upon Being Evicted

Jenn said it best...priceless!

Kim Thomas said...

The Dustin pic is absolutely hilarious! It made my day when Jenn emailed it to me Friday.

Second, I was freaking that Amber could walk away with HOH. How happy was I when Daniele won?

Kim Thomas said...

Will-LOL on Dick quote. That was hilarious.