Sunday, August 5, 2007

Interesting Observation

Have you noticed that people that do not live in California refer to it as "Cali", while people that live here use "Northern/Southern CA" and/or "Nor/So Cal"?

Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd say "Cali" is used almost exclusively by people who don't live in California.

Not quite as interesting as the great "soda/pop" debate, but interesting nonetheless.


Jane said...

Not less than two weeks ago I had this conversation with Kim Thomas. My sister in law was spending time with her family in Laguna Beach. The whole time she was gone somehow my family kept calling it Cali (a new thing for me). Then my youngest sister sent me a welcome message last time I traveled to Burbank with a welcome to Cali note. Odd.

The whole Northern Cal versus Southern Cal is a whole other story...........

Kim Thomas said...

Jennann: I hate Cali! It is terrible.

As far as Northern/Southern California. Almost everybody knows that Southern California is one of the best places on the planet to live! Hate the North....We should be our own state.

Bianka said...

I, being born and raised in So Cal, :) tell people out here when they ask me where I am from that I am from Southern California. That typically gets a "Oh, where about's?" response, to which I reply "Orange County."

"Ohhh ok! Like the show!"


Queen B said...

LOL, I so use the word "Cali". I guess it's part of my not wanting to "live" here anymore ;)

Ruth Anne said...

I totally say Cali. Maybe it is because I am too lazy to spell out the whole thing.

But let it be known that I think Cali sounds so much cooler!

Jenn Ann said...

I think you all just proved my point...Bianka, maybe you should pretend to be from Chino and watch everyone feel sorry for you :)

P.S. I live in Chino and I LOVE it!!!

Ann said...

I use Cali, and I also think it sounds much cooler. But, I am too lazy, too!

Ann said...
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Kim Thomas said...

Ruthann and Ann: If you are too lazy to say California just say SCAL or NCAL, that works for me too :)

I was going to call the Queen out for saying Cali and now she confirms it!!!

Queen B said...

Champ - is it better to say that I live in "Cali" or in "NCal"? I figure if I'm using Cali, I'm avoiding admitting to living in the less cool (though sadly the weather here is cooler) part of the state?