Saturday, August 11, 2007


I took the GRE yesterday (thank goodness that's over!) and was instantly reminded that I had spent much too much time blogging and not nearly enough studying. Well, that's not entirely true. I could have studied more, but I did enough to get a decent score. I procrastinate when it comes to studying.

When I got there they made me lock up EVERYTHING I brought with me except for my driver's license into one of 50 lockers numbered 1-50. Guess which locker I got? 22! Guess who I thought of? KIM! I giggled to myself and was saddened that I could not take a photo (cell phones are strictly prohibited - using one would get me kicked out of the test). Then they asked me to complete a form - I had to write a paragraph in my handwriting with specific instructions DO NOT PRINT. Again I thought of Kim and wondered the last time that I wrote that much in handwriting as opposed to my usual scribble which is a combination of handwriting and printing. Again, I wished that I could have taken a photo.

I did fairly well on the test...had I studied for the verbal as much as the math I'd have done very well. Oh well, maybe I'll retest one day if I need to.

Aside from banning cell phones/cameras, my only other complaint is that they have the most UNCOMFORTABLE chairs and their workstations are far from ergonomic. I sat for a little over 3 hours in a chair that had a low back, arm rests that were not adjustable, and a monitor that was far too low. They provide headphones to cancel out distractions, but I wish I could have selected some nice classical music to stimulate my brain and avoid boredom. Three hours is a long time to stare at a black and white computer screen.


Queen B said...

I love how throughout the test you were thinking of Kim and blogging. Who knew Kim would have such an affect on your test :)

Ruth Anne said...

I hate how they make you feel like a criminal. "I need to see your hands at all times."

Good job. Its over!