Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rachel Made Me Post This

Rachel and I have decided that as long as she periodically provides me with material for my blog, I'll stop nagging her to write her own blog (even though her job could provide her with days full of material and I can never write about work).

And so, to follow up on the bottled water debate, some required reading. I am addicted to bottled water and Starbucks. Is that so bad?


Captain Will said...

Okay, I must have my water expertise take over:

I only read the first two pages of the article, but I know that I have to give this comparison:

1 pint of Arrowhead at AM/PM: $0.99...translates into $7.92/gallon

1 pint of tap water from CVWD (where I work): $0.0002...translates into $0.0018/gallon

Did I mention that we are under tighter regulations to produce sanitized water than the bottled water industry? Also, did I mention that Arrowhead buys a majority of the water they sell in Southern California from us? We own water rights in the local mountains, which is precisely where they get their mountain spring water. So, they are basically buying for $0.0002 and selling it for $0.99. That would be a mark up of 4,950%. BARGAIN!

Teri said...

I can say that I have never bought bottled water. I tried it a couple time and couldnt tell the difference.