Tuesday, September 9, 2008

BBB 10.26

I don't think that Dan's beach trip could have gone better for him. It will be interesting to see what Michelle reports back to the Jury House. Still think that it's going to backfire for Dan when Jerry/Keesha/Memphis find out that he took Michelle.

I am BAFFLED that Memphis actually won POV. As soon that I saw what it was, I said there was no way he was going to win.

Memphis is an idiot. He should have evicted Jerry. This pretty much guarantees that he won't win the money. He made Dan look like a good guy! I guess he's just playing for second place.

I hate endurance HOH competitions...thank goodness for After Dark!


Anonymous said...

I changed my mind now. I think Dan will win ...maybe. lol

Queen B said...

I'm very upset. I haven't even watched it yet, but saw the news of Keesha's eviction on my google home page :( *sigh*

Jinjer said...

I was baffled that he won POV too! It was a total jerk move by evicting Keesha.

KFuj said...

Dan looks so good now for Memphis getting rid of Keesha. And Dan still is saying I can't believe you got rid of her, what were you thinking. I can't wait to see how the jury house is with keesha being evicted and Michelle going on the beach trip!
The end is in sight! Who will wim Big Brother 10!