Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happiness is...

...surprise visits from a Starbucks bearing Kim1Champ with Sydney! (Don't you all wish you worked with her sister in So Cal?)

Entertainment is watching KT when she realized that I had just witnessed her further proving that she is Sydney's Mom. She was talking to Sydney while changing her diaper and when I pointed out that she was SO Sydney's Mom, she then proceeded to "mommy talk" to Sydney to tell her that someone just caught her. The worst part? I know I'm going to be just like her one day (hopefully).


Queen B said...


I, too, have witnessed the phenomenon that is Sydney Changing Time. I just didn't get a Starbucks to go with it!

Kim Thomas said...

I'm so embarrased by the mommy talk......but it was fantastic seeing Jenn today!!!!!

Kim Thomas said...

P.S. I would have come seen you even if Rachel wasn't there.....

Jane said...

The mommy talk is the best. Especially when the vocab words are ones Sydney probably wont see until her sixth grade teacher gives them to her