Thursday, July 2, 2009

14 Weeks....Hello 2nd Trimester!

Note to self: At least in these pants I have slightly more butt.

Exciting things happened in the last week! I successfully stayed up until 9:00 PM every night (some nights even a little later) AND I suddenly got very hungry. Like my typical meal size that I've been eating for the last year that left me satisfied? Still hungry when I'm done. I've also finally gained a pound - woo hoo!

I was also told several times that I was looking pregnant. Some deliveries were better than others ;) but I got the idea and took it as a compliment.

The shrimp are now lemon sized and are (allegedly) making facial expressions, (potentially) sucking their thumbs, squinting, and urinating. We're super excited to see them do stuff in 2 weeks! Bring on the lemon names!

I also had the revelation while getting my rings cleaned at their 6 month warranty check up, that the next time I did that, I'd have 2 small infants with me. Maybe I'll just send Striker with the rings :)

I'm puzzled and perplexed as to why I chose to stand facing that direction for the weekly pictures. Why not show off my right side?


Unknown said...

Maybe fatty fatty fat fat will suck its LEFT thumb like its auntie did.....

Kim Thomas said...

You have something backwards, you need to go get the rings cleaned and leave Striker at home.

Jane said...

Because the left side is best!!!!

Paula said...

Oh, look at the cute little baby bump! (cuz Babies Bump just doesn't have the same "flow" sound)

Queen B said...

lol @ Kim... the voice of experience ;)

Yay for lemons! I had to go to wiki to come up with the temp names for lemon. My best take at it is "2" and "3". Two reasons here... 1st, lemons have a pH of 2-3. Second, obviously, 2 and 3 are great numbers ;)

Bianka said...

Mike and Ike!!!

Include your head in your belly pictures!!

Ruth Anne said...

Don't worry about the weight. It will come.