Saturday, July 11, 2009


As of July 1st restaurants had to start posting nutritional information either on the table or on the menu (in 2011 it has to be on the menu). I have been completely obsessed on the 2 occasions I have dined out with reviewing the info for my regular selections. It's fun and horrifying at the same time.

Since KT had Olive Garden for dinner last night it sounded like a super idea for dinner tonight. Once seated and ordered, I immediately grabbed the binder of nutritional info and calculated the total calories and fat for my meal. Let's have y'all take your best guess on what I consumed in: 2 breadsticks and roughly half a boat of alfredo, 1 serving of salad, and 1 bowl of pasta e fagioli soup. I'll post the answer when either many of you have posted your guess or I grow too impatient.

BTW, I will never again order the Tour of Italy - 1450 calories and 74 grams of fat!!!


Sydney Thomas said...

I am going with 950

Sydney Thomas said...

Oops, that was my mom

Paula said...

hmmmm, I think the alfredo did you guess is 1000 calories and 36 grams of fat

karinski said...

I think 125o calories. Not sure about the fat.

Queen B said...

let's see.... I know the breadstix are about 200 cals each. Salad is 300ish. Fredo would have to be in the 500 range.... soup probably 300. I think 1250 is a pretty good guess.

my fave is the lunch chicken parm with whole wheat pasta :) I could totally go for that today.

Queen B said...

oh, btw, it's not even the fat/calories that shock me... it's the sodium.