Friday, November 2, 2007

The Exorcism

Say goodbye to the demon possessed car and HELLO! to our new Altima!!

It has all of the same features as the Lexus except for navigation and defrosters on the side mirrors, but it has more cup holders and rides more quiet and smooth! And we're saving money!!!! YIPPEE!!!!
Take special note of what I call the "retard sticker"placed on the trunk:
It reads: "Trunk Release Button Location - Sticker to be removed by customer after purchase."
You see the car has keyless entry and retards might not be able to figure out how to open the trunk without the sticker! I shouldn't really make fun of this...we had to be shown by the dealer the first time we bought the keyless car. :)


Bianka said...

You have EXERCISED THE DEMON! Hooray! Congrats on the new car. :)

Captain Will said...

Yeah, and the thing Jenn forgot to mention is that she never had to leave the house...and she is still an owner of the car. How you ask? The salesman followed me home in the Lexus and brought the papers for Jenn to sign. Now THAT is service!

Anonymous said...

Those Lexuseseses are piles of poop. I'm happy to see that you traded up to the altima. It's even the same color! That is some mighty good service to drive all the way to home to get papers signed by the Jennster... Give me an "A" Give me an "L"... Give me a "T" Give me an "I" Give me an "M" Give me an "A"... What's that spell??? "ALTIMA" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

Nice car BUT I like my baby "H" more...............

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Rach said...

you two buy more cars than anybody I know. Congrats though! It looks really nice!