Thursday, January 10, 2008

Update to Whistle While You Work

Text conversation between KT and I today:

KT: hey call me
JA: At lunch with boss

later...I call KT
JA: Hi It's Jenn Ann
KT: Hi, let me call you back
revert to text...
KT: Sorry, I am the MOD and we have a major issue going on
JA: It's January (in the office supply industry) I completely understand.

still later...(7:28PM)
JA: Call me
KT: On conference call. Terrible MOD day
JA: I just left the office
KT: At least I am at home
JA: Sign #21 you are a have this conversation with a friend.
KT: You are worse!!!
JA: Debatable

Here's my proof that it is debatable. I'll let you decide. :)


Queen B said...

hmmmm, I vote for a tie. Being MOD is less about being a workaholic and more about being a slave. It makes people want to quit working!

Ann said...

As the person who schedules the MODs, I must agree with the Queen. Everyone hates being MOD...and I get lots of hate mail when I send out the schedule...but not from KT! :o)

Queen B said...

I'm now on hour 4 of ticket documenting for our current high sev incident bridgeline :(

Queen B said...

ha! they're reviewing records, and our leader goes, "scroll down to row 20. actually, 22 is a good one." you're right! 22 is always a good one!

Kim Thomas said...

I'm off MOD for months after February. Ask me how happy I am?

Kim Thomas said...

P.S. I love it when the HCBC refers to each others other posts.