Thursday, January 10, 2008

Whistle While you Work

One of the little gadgets on my Google home page is WebMD Health. One of the links today was to an article titled Are You a Workaholic? This got my attention.

At the end of the article, they refer you to Workaholics Anonymous (which is based out of CA). On their website is a list of twenty questions to help you determine if you may be a workaholic:
  1. Do you get more excited about your work than about family or anything else?
  2. Are there times when you can charge through your work and other times when you can't?
  3. Do you take work with you to bed? On weekends? On vacation?
  4. Is work the activity you like to do best and talk about most?
  5. Do you work more than 40 hours a week?
  6. Do you turn your hobbies into money-making ventures?
  7. Do you take complete responsibility for the outcome of your work efforts?
  8. Have your family or friends given up expecting you on time?
  9. Do you take on extra work because you are concerned that it won't otherwise get done?
  10. Do you underestimate how long a project will take and then rush to complete it?
  11. Do you believe that it is okay to work long hours if you love what you are doing?
  12. Do you get impatient with people who have other priorities besides work?
  13. Are you afraid that if you don't work hard you will lose your job or be a failure?
  14. Is the future a constant worry for you even when things are going very well?
  15. Do you do things energetically and competitively including play?
  16. Do you get irritated when people ask you to stop doing your work in order to do something else?
  17. Have your long hours hurt your family or other relationships?
  18. Do you think about your work while driving, falling asleep or when others are talking?
  19. Do you work or read during meals?
  20. Do you believe that more money will solve the other problems in your life?
If you answer "yes" to three or more, you may be a workaholic...I'm thinking that since I answered "yes" to nine, I could safely be called a workaholic. The good news is that I'm working away from that a bit (trying for some balance) and I'm down a few "yeses" from last year.


Pickle said...

Do you get more excited about your work than about family or anything else?
Are there times when you can charge through your work and other times when you can't?
Do you take work with you to bed? On weekends? On vacation?
Is work the activity you like to do best and talk about most?
Do you work more than 40 hours a week?
Do you turn your hobbies into money-making ventures?
Do you take complete responsibility for the outcome of your work efforts?
Have your family or friends given up expecting you on time?
Do you take on extra work because you are concerned that it won't otherwise get done? nope
Do you underestimate how long a project will take and then rush to complete it? nope
Do you believe that it is okay to work long hours if you love what you are doing?nah
Do you get impatient with people who have other priorities besides work? nope
Are you afraid that if you don't work hard you will lose your job or be a failure? nope
Is the future a constant worry for you even when things are going very well? NO way
Do you do things energetically and competitively including play? nope
Do you get irritated when people ask you to stop doing your work in order to do something else? Hell nah
Have your long hours hurt your family or other relationships? NOPE
Do you think about your work while driving, falling asleep or when others are talking? F&%# No
Do you work or read during meals? Karma Sutra Books duh?
Do you believe that more money will solve the other problems in your life? No way.

So what if you answered no to all the questions? are you a lifeaholic?

Pickle said...

oops i missed a few questions. so just answer No for me.

Queen B said...

1. Do you get more excited about your work than about family or anything else? uh, no, but my job is kinda boring
2. Are there times when you can charge through your work and other times when you can't? yes, usually dependent on caffeine intake
3. Do you take work with you to bed? On weekends? On vacation? what's vacation? dang, I'm in bed with my laptop right now. darn this wireless.
4. Is work the activity you like to do best and talk about most? I am not that much of a loser. really, I'm not.
5. Do you work more than 40 hours a week? like "work" work or just work? I spend more than 40 hours doing work-like things.
6. Do you turn your hobbies into money-making ventures? does Adsense count? oops... mark that as Yes apparently
7. Do you take complete responsibility for the outcome of your work efforts? nah, I shirk responsibility as a rule
8. Have your family or friends given up expecting you on time? yes, but that's more to do with hair drying/doing than working
9. Do you take on extra work because you are concerned that it won't otherwise get done? sure. I work with quite a few idiots.
10. Do you underestimate how long a project will take and then rush to complete it? nah... that would conflict with my lazy nature. how can I be lazy and a workaholic....?
11. Do you believe that it is okay to work long hours if you love what you are doing? yeah, you just better have picked an understanding mate. thank God I haven't found a job I love to do yet ;)
12. Do you get impatient with people who have other priorities besides work? nah, I encourage having a life. they should just sleep less.
13. Are you afraid that if you don't work hard you will lose your job or be a failure? nah. plenty of people worse than me have jobs.
14. Is the future a constant worry for you even when things are going very well? nah
15. Do you do things energetically and competitively including play? nah, that again conflicts with my lazy time
16. Do you get irritated when people ask you to stop doing your work in order to do something else? like more work? nah, people can ask away. I do what I want.
17. Have your long hours hurt your family or other relationships? no
18. Do you think about your work while driving, falling asleep or when others are talking? during sex? jk. sometimes while taking a shower, though.
19. Do you work or read during meals? yep. but I consider that a benefit of working at home
20. Do you believe that more money will solve the other problems in your life? it would solve some right now, that's for sure.

TEN! Hmmmm.... I think the survey is flawed.

Anonymous said...

Hey I answered yes to a few of these which is weird b/c I've got major issues with procrastination. Keep the interesting blogs coming!!!

Kim Thomas said...

There was a time when I would have answered yes to all of these questions. I am proud to say that I am down to only a few.

I think saying that over 4 means workaholic is a bit much though

Margot said...

Ummm...I said yes to that bad???

Ann said...

A lot of these questions really don't indicate that you're a workaholic. Maybe answering yes to 5-6 of them would qualify.

Jane said...

Oh no I am so in trouble

Anonymous said...

ok... So I started to take this test, but I don't think it works for teachers... I think at times I am a workaholic, and then other times I am not. It all depends it my students brains are working that week.