Thursday, June 11, 2009

Celebrity Baby

You have to read the article. Back when we first wanted to get pregnant a bunch of "cool" celebrity babies were being born- Shiloh and Suri anyone? Then when we started IVF- the twin boom: whatever the heck the Jolie-Pitts are named, Marcia Cross' girls, and Julia Roberts twins. Now? My poor children are going to be part of the baby boom that includes Kendra's kid. Isn't Nicole Ritchie pg again? At least Harlow is cute and made her mommy clean up her life. Maybe there's hope for Kendra?

Queen B, somehow I have a feeling that you'll have a lot to comment since celebrity gossip and celeb/baby pairings are one of your specialties. :)


Queen B said...

geez, is it possible that Brangelina have so many kids now that I can't readily recall the names of their two latest?!

give me a few minutes to think of the December baby crop...

Queen B said...

you will probably have your babies early, and Kendra will probably have hers late... unless she goes for the vanity early c-section

Sarah Jessica Parker's twins come late summer :)
Ellen Pompeo is due in October
Heidi Klum and Sarah Michelle Gellar are due "fall"
Nicole Richie appears to be due Augustish

Ruth Anne said...

Since I have been pregnant for the last 7 years, my kids match up to a lot of the celebrities.

Including almost the same day as the women, who turned into a man, that had a baby.

Kim Thomas said...

Way to pair up with Kendra. I watched the first episode of her new show, not bad.

Queen B said...

Ooh... Rumor that Gisele and Tom Brady are due in December!

Queen B said...

Maybe Matthew/Camille?

Queen B said...

yep, Camila is 3 months along:,,20286887,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines